Price Match

Price Match Policy


Make sure the product you would like to price match is immediately available and identical to our competitor's product (item must be the same brand with the identical model number and color). Price match items need to follow the following guidelines.

1. Items being price matched must be the identical items. The product must have the same brand, part number, options, etc...
2. The competitor's store must be located and operate within the United States and display a physical company address on their website.
3. The price matched item must be available, in stock, and ready for delivery or picked up at the competitor's location.
4. Approved price matches will supersede over any current specials, coupons, discounts or deals unless otherwise stated. Ex: Free ground shipping, forum coupon, ...etc.
5. If competitors store is offering free shipping on the item, we will price match the item with the free shipping taken into account.
7. We cannot price match items on auction sites or personal classified ads.
8. Items cannot be price matched after an order has been placed and the cancellation period for that respective item has expired.

If approved, you will receive a coupon code to use at check out. Price matches are answered within 48 hours. Price match questions can be answered via email only.